The Queen "got it in one" as she made her acting debut in a film with James Bond during the opening ceremony, according to the BBC.
Duchess of Cambridge flew the flag for British fashion at the Olympic opening ceremony in London wearing Christopher Kane while Michelle Obama made a patriotic dress choice with US designer J. Mendel.
An outspoken Conservative MP has been criticised after claiming she thinks the Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant, as she told an audience a Royal baby would be "good for the economy".
The Queen visited the Olympic Park on the first official day of the London 2012 Games after taking a starring role as a Bond girl in the Olympic opening ceremony.
London 2012: In her summer dress, the Duchess looked suitably attired for a royal garden party.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry welcome the Olympic Torch to Buckingham Palace as its nears the end of its journey.
She is better known as being a dab hand with the hockey stick, but the Duchess of Cambridge showed off her deft touch on the ball today as she and Prince William visited a sports project to mark the start of the Olympic Games.
The Queen is to double the production of cider from apples grown at her estate in Sandringham.
Duke warns of the dangers of children being "cooped up indoors".
The Duchess of Cambridge has been given £300,000 to donate to charity as a thank-you for lending her wedding dress to Buckingham Palace.

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