Prince George’s third birthday

Prince George’s first day at nursery school

Copyright: Matt Porteous 2016 NEWS EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO COMMERCIAL USE (including any use in merchandising, advertising or any other non-editorial use including, for example, calendars, books and supplements). This photograph is provided to you strictly on condition that you will make no charge for the supply, release or publication of it and that these conditions and restrictions will apply (and that you will pass these on) to any organisation to whom you supply it. All other requests for use should be directed to the Press Office at Kensington Palace in writing. Undated handout photo released by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge of Prince George, who celebrates his third birthday today with the family pet, Lupo. The photograph was taken at their Norfolk home in mid-July by Matt Porteous.

Prince George’s first day at nursery school
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