Duchess of Cambridge to Launch Nursing Now Campaign

Duchess of Cambridge was admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital


St Thomas’ Hospital, London

Tuesday 27th February, 2018

The Duchess of Cambridge will visit St Thomas’ Hospital on Tuesday 27th February to officially launch a campaign to promote nursing worldwide. Her Royal Highness will visit a specialist ward, take part in a roundtable discussion and deliver a speech to mark the launch of the Nursing Now campaign.

Nursing Now is a major global campaign aimed at raising the profile and status of nursing worldwide, so that nurses can make an even greater contribution at the heart of efforts to tackle rising burdens of disease.

As the health professionals closest to the public, nurses are the lynchpin of effective health teams, playing a crucial role in health promotion, disease prevention and treatment. The Nursing Now campaign will support nurses to become leaders so they can play a greater role in health policy decision-making, helping countries meet the pressing health challenges of the 21st century.

The Duchess of Cambridge will first visit the Snow Leopard ward at St Thomas’s Hospital, where she will see first-hand the expertise and dedication of nurses as they care for children in the Ward. The Snow Leopard Ward at Evelina London Children’s Hospital, which is part of St Thomas’, cares for children who need help breathing to stay alive. The nurse-led team train carers and relatives how to use the child’s ventilation equipment to prepare them for going home.

Her Royal Highness will then join a roundtable discussion with nurses across the career spectrum, from trainees to consultant nurses, and from a range of different countries to find out what it means to be a 21st century nurse and what impact the Nursing Now campaign could have on the profession. Finally, The Duchess will join a launch event in the Main Hall to deliver a speech to mark the launch of the Nursing Now campaign.

The three-year global campaign is being run as a programme of the Burdett Trust for Nursing, in collaboration with the International Council of Nurses and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Nursing Now was founded by nurses and other health experts based on the findings of the 2016 Triple Impact report, produced by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health Co-Chaired by Lord Nigel Crisp, Co-Chair of the Campaign Board of Nursing Now. The report found that as well as improving health globally, empowering nurses would contribute to improved gender equality and build stronger economies.

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