Duke of Cambridge to Visit Sporting Chance

Duke of Cambridge to Visit Sporting Chance



Tuesday, 12th September 2017

The Duke of Cambridge, President of The Football Association (The FA), will pay a visit to Sporting Chance, a charity which is working with The FA to support those affected by non-recent cases of childhood sexual abuse within football.

Sporting Chance is a charity that specialises in helping professional and former professional sportspeople providing support for a range of issues from addictive disorders, to bereavement, depression, anxiety. It has a nationwide therapy and counselling network providing confidential, professional support to work through frequently complex issues.

The charity’s experience and expertise led to The FA approaching them to help establish a special support service for those who have been affected by these cases of non-recent childhood sexual abuse. This work was facilitated on behalf of The FA by an independent specialist in this field, Dr Elly Hanson.

Since reports of the abuse became public last year, Sporting Chance has been working with many survivors to offer help. The charity has developed a network of therapists suitably qualified and experienced to provide support to all those who need their help, which is available to all survivors of football-related sexual abuse.

The Duke will meet with the founder of Sporting Chance, former professional footballer Tony Adams, alongside CEO Colin Brand who will explain the work of the organisation. Specifically, His Royal Highness will learn about the special service Sporting Chance has set up for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse in sport.

His Royal Highness will speak with some of the support staff, including therapists and clinical psychologists who have helped to create the therapy programmes.

The Duke will also meet and speak with some of the survivors. He will hear their personal stories and learn how Sporting Chance has been able to help them, and how this professional support has helped.

This meeting will also be an opportunity for The Duke to hear how organisations like Sporting Chance are working to ensure these tragic cases can be prevented in the future, in football and across sport.

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