The Royal Family Champion Action on Climate Change and Conservation


This week Members of The Royal Family are championing global action on climate change and conservation. 

Earlier in the week, The Prince of Wales launched the Climate Week NYC 2020 with a virtual keynote speech (see above). HRH also launched RE:TV, a new global platform for compelling films and articles by the Sustainable Markets Initiative, showcasing solutions from around the world to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future.

ITV has also released a preview of a special documentary showing The Duke of Cambridge, joined by a film crew two years ago, on a search for ways to protect the natural world. The ITV documentary will air in October 2020 – Prince William: A Planet For Us All.

To highlight their efforts, here are a few facts you may not have known about The Royal Family and their links to conservation and climate change…

– Since 2014, spearheaded by The Duke of Cambridge and The Royal Foundation, United for Wildlife has been working to combat the illegal trade in animal products around the world by bringing together conservation organisations, law enforcement, governments and global corporations.

– The Prince of Wales has co-authored a Ladybird Expert book on climate change. The book explains the history, dangers and challenges of global warming and explores possible solutions to reduce its impact.

– Combined Heat and Power has been in use at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle since 1994-95. These units convert natural gas into electricity, with the heat produced by this process being used to provide heating and hot water.

– Sandringham has been committed to maintaining the environment and the habitat to support a thriving flora and fauna, adopting sympathetic farming practices. Since 1952 over two million trees have been planted; 45 new woodlands created; 40 km of new hedges planted; 200 km of field margins established; 160 hectares of wild bird cover established; 200 hectares of uncultivated and wildland maintained; and 10 wetlands created.

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