His Majesty The King is Announced as Colonel in Chief of the Corps of Royal Engineers

King Charles III during a Diplomatic Corps reception at Buckingham Palace in London. December 6, 2022.
King Charles III during a Diplomatic Corps reception at Buckingham Palace in London. December 6, 2022.


28 March 2023

His Majesty The King is today announced as Colonel in Chief of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was the previous Colonel in Chief. Commonly known as the Sappers, the corps was founded in 1716 and gained the prefix royal in 1787. They operate at the forefront of innovation to provide global military engineering and technical support to the British Armed Forces and their allies.

During Their Majesties’ state visit to Germany, starting tomorrow, the King will meet representatives from the Corps of Royal Engineers, in Brandenburg to view a demonstration of a wide river pontoon bridging by 23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron.

On Tuesday 14th March 2023 His Majesty received Lieutenant General Sir Tyrone Urch KBE (Chief Royal Engineer) at Buckingham Palace.

“I am absolutely delighted that His Majesty The King has agreed to be our new Colonel-in-Chief,’ said the Chief Royal Engineer. “This is a great honour and continues a long-standing tradition started in 1904 by His Majesty King Edward VII. This wonderful news will inspire the entire Sapper family worldwide.”

All Royal Engineers are ‘triple traded’, or possess three trades; soldiers first, then combat engineers (trained as field engineers or demolition experts, or similar) and then tradespeople (carpenter, mechanic, driver, communications technician, covering a total of 26 trades).

Most recently the corps has been deployed in a wide variety of roles from Estonia, Poland and Cyprus to providing training in Mali, and here in the UK. Royal Engineer Units and Queens Ghurka Engineers have also guarded the royal palaces this year and will support Their Majesties’ coronation.

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