Remembering the Royal wedding

Prince William and Catherine Middleton following their wedding service at Westminster Abbey, London.
Prince William and Catherine Middleton following their wedding service at Westminster Abbey, London.

On the morning of the Royal Wedding, Westminster Abbey?s giant loudspeak- ers started to play choir music at 8 a.m., and Big Ben, the bell inside the clock tower at the Houses of Parliament, started chiming. A group of children chanted ?We love William, we love Kate.? The crowds were already in place, many of the well wishers having camped out overnight, some even for days beforehand. The most devoted of them had been given an unexpected treat the night before, when a beaming Prince William accompanied by his brother Prince Harry did an impromptu walkabout along the Mall and ordered mugs of tea to be served to the die-hard fans, who repaid him with cries of ?For he?s a jolly good fellow!?

Getting into the spirit of the occasion, many of the spectators were wearing felt Union Jack hats and were draped in giant flags. Some were dressed in Victorian style, with top hats and fake moustaches. Others had painted their faces. There were many international visitors among the happy throng, especially from America and Canada.

In a break with tradition Prince William elected to arrive early at Westminster Abbey in order to spend 20 minutes or so circulating with friends and relatives and so at 10.10am he and Prince Harry, his best man, left nearby Clarence House for Westminster Abbey, traveling in a claret State Bentley and arriving at 10.15am. Both princes drew admiring cheers. William looked regal and impressive in a red military tunic, the dress uniform of the Irish Guards, of which he is a Colonel since being appointed in February of that year by the Queen. Harry was in the uniform of, officer of the Household Cavalry, Blues and Royals. Of course the thronged crowds and an estimated global audience of over 2 billion were mainly waiting to see what Kate would be wearing, but they would have to remain in suspense for a little longer.

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